Google openly promotes sodom sins

Submitted by adminap on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 21:58

Google has again shown its involvement in the promotion of homosexuality. Before the onset of the ill-fated gay parades, Google made a gift for homosexuals: if you enter a request on "gay", "lesbian", "bisexual" etc., the design of the search engine is transformed and a rainbow appears on the site hugging the button "Search".

Sent to jail for selling porn DVD

Submitted by adminap on Sat, 03/28/2020 - 16:14

In Moscow, a 25-year-old citizen of Turkmenistan, Sakhetmyrat Kakaev, received 7 months in prison for selling porn DVDs.

The court concluded that Kakaev, selling DVDs from a tray on Novorublevskaya Street, on February 6 this year sold a buyer a disc with four videos for 400 rubles. These records and the printing cover of the disc, according to the conclusion of the judicial art criticism examination, are pornographic materials.

On February 11, at the same point, under similar circumstances, the offender sold to a police officer and was again detained.


Full story of former pornstar Shelley Luben

Submitted by adminap on Tue, 03/24/2020 - 10:47

I was born in 1968 and grew up in southern California, a strong-willed child with an “energetic” personality and the oldest child in the family.

The first eight years of my life, my family went to church, where I learned about God and Jesus. As a little girl, I recognized and fell in love with Jesus.

Interview with Ted Bundy

Submitted by adminap on Tue, 03/24/2020 - 10:08

Interview with Ted Bundy

Ted Banti This interview was taken from serial killer Ted Bundy. In conclusion, he recognized his own guilt, insisting on the death penalty and talking about how pornography made him. This man became the prototype of the hero of Hannibal Lecter from the movie "Silence of the Lambs."

ATTENTION!!! This material contains details of brutal sexual abuse and is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. Also, if you have problems with violence and sex, you should not read it.

The story of former porn actress Veronica Lane

Submitted by adminap on Tue, 03/24/2020 - 10:04

I was born in Indiana, and grew up in Indiana and Colorado. My parents divorced when I was in third grade, and my father was never near my whole life after that. At the age of 14, living with my mother and stepfather in Indiana, I lost my virginity with a boy living in the neighborhood. This boy broke my heart, and I ran away from home shortly afterwards.


For porn videos in Iran will be executed

Submitted by adminap on Sat, 03/21/2020 - 12:51

Iran introduces capital punishment for the production and sale of porn. Such a bill was approved on June 13 by the Iranian parliament. 148 deputies of the Mejlis voted for this law, only 5 voted against. The law states that "producers of pornographic materials and basic elements are recognized as corrupting the world and will be punished accordingly." The term "corrupting the world" is taken from the Koran and is one of the most serious crimes from the point of view of the Sharia. According to Iranian laws, the death penalty is applicable for such crimes, reports.


How to remove opera informer

Submitted by adminap on Wed, 03/18/2020 - 10:08

Recently, the site wrote how to remove porn informer from IE. But how to remove the informer if the browser is opera? Following this instruction is easy and simple within a few steps.

Also, if necessary, look

    How to remove informer from mozilla
    Porn desktop banner
    How to remove a porn TV window

Removing an informer from the Opera browser


1. Open Opera. Select the menu item “Tools -> Settings”.